# Weekly Reviews - https://todoist.com/productivity-methods/weekly-review - Part of [[GTD]]. - Get clear - Get current - Get creative - One hour plan - 0-10 minutes: tidy workspace, file away notes, get all tasks into task management - 10-20 review completed tasks, calendar, notes and goals. Compare plan to what happened. - 20-35 review progress on top priorities. What needs to be updated? - 35-50 what are your most important tasks and events each day the following week? - 50-60 review your 'someday maybe' list. **What things are you excited about? What new things do you want to learn?** - ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/firescript-577a2.appspot.com/o/imgs%2Fapp%2Fflancia%2FTKi3R4rHo6.png?alt=media&token=11b57d20-b300-469c-b39a-97af68069563) - Reflect: "I was derailed in my writing this week by several unexpected meetings. I'll speak to my manager about minimizing these occurrences so I can focus.” - Obvious time to do it is Friday afternoon. Doing it then lets you "clean up" and go into the weekend confident that you are in a good shape. - On Sunday evening, the work week looms large, and we already have Monday on our minds. You can channel that anxiety. - On Monday morning, you are refreshed; you can use it to ease into the week. - **Be kind to yourself.** - [[David Allen]]: "the weekly review is the critical success factor for marrying your larger commitments to your day-to-day activities."